Workplace Housekeeping Tips
To some people, the word “housekeeping” calls to mind cleaning floors and surfaces, removing dust, and organizing clutter.
But in a work setting, it means much more. Housekeeping is crucial to safe workplaces. It can help prevent injuries and improve productivity and morale, as well as make a good first impression on visitors
The practice extends from traditional offices to industrial workplaces, including factories, warehouses and manufacturing plants that present special challenges such as hazardous materials, combustible dust and other flammables. Experts agree that all workplace safety programs should incorporate housekeeping, and every worker should play a part. In addition, housekeeping should have management’s commitment so workers realize its importance. Here are 11 tips for effective workplace housekeeping.
- Prevent slips, trips and falls
- Eliminate fire hazards.
- Control dust
- Avoid tracking materials
- Prevent falling objects
- Clear clutter
- Store materials properly
- Use and inspect personal protective equipment and tools
- Determine frequency
- Create written rules
- Think
Housekeeping can help prevent injuries and improve productivity. Every worker should play a role in housekeeping, even if that means keeping his or her own workspace clean. Housekeeping should be an ongoing process, not a one-time practice. It’s going to take persistence and dedication. Every worker plays a part.